About Us

The Transparent Company (T Corp) was started in 2022 by Voytek Bereza and was designed to be a fully transparent, open-source enterprise. The business registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission in late 2022 with the primary goal of making a new type of business that by design is incapable of greenwashing.

If you’re interested in being a part of our mission, we welcome you to transparently, join our mailing list, contribute through donations, volunteer your skills, suggest applications for our transparent fund, or claim valuable bounties.


T Corp was established in 2022 by an open-source collaborative effort to show how the conventional corporate structure could be modified to build a more trustworthy system. Its primary goal was to create a working business which by design, was unable to greenwash.

To meet this goal, the company adopted:

Development Process

The first step in this process was to write uneditable Tenets” as ROM permanently restricting our operation from inception. Next, an incorporation statement was written and published as an open-source incorporation statement on Github. These steps were performed to create a permanent ethical foundation for the business whilst not being bound by a strict doctrine of operation. We then followed through with a roadmap charting developments towards becoming completely transparent through automation.

The second step, was to address the fact that many businesses start out with good intentions however, over time as costs mount, ethics tend to erode. For this reason, we put our money where our mouth via the use of a bounty system. For this, we decided to dedicate 6% of our revenues to anyone who can prove a non-transparent action has been performed by the company.

Our third stage of development was to generate revenues, this occurred with the creation of the semi-autonomous business model https://prepare.online. A learning website where the general public can purchase online courses. To publicize this a public lecture series entitled “The Fundamentals of Psychedelics” has been touring the East Coast of Australia since the inception of the company.

Our fourth stage was to dedicate a minimum of 30% of our revenues to seed other forms of The Transparent Company. For this, we created an open proposal system where the pool of money generated can be accessed by anyone to fund other similar types of transparent, positive externality businesses.

The fourth stage, where we are now, is to open our doors to donations via the open collective and allow others to volunteer their time to help us on our mission.